Lumonic Excel Add-in Documentation

Building Formulas

Use the sidebar included in the add-in custom tab under Lumonic tab.

The sidebar provides tools to quickly look up reporters and build Lx expressions.

Refreshing Data On Demand

Use the Refresh command menu to select the appropriate action for your use case. 

Worksheet will refresh each LX.* formula on the current worksheet.
Selection will refresh LX.* formulas only in currently selected cells.
We recommend refreshing smaller selections for data intensive worksheets.

Reporter Formulas (LX.REPORTER.*)

Reporter formulas are used to query against a reporter. Any qualitative or quantitative datapoints can be returned. In addition, complex materialized calculations or conditions can be applied.

Query a reporter for provided date and expression. Data must exist on the exact effective date otherwise #N/A will be returned.

A single data point. Arrays will be returned as comma delimited strings.

reporterId: required[string] – Id that represents a reporter in your scope.
lx: required[string] – A valid Lx expression to be evaluated.
effectiveDate: optional[date] – Date to evaluate the provided lx argument on. Defaults to today.

Query a reporter for provided date and expression. Reaches back up to 6 months from the provided effective date to attempt to return data for the provided expression.

A single data point. Arrays will be returned as comma delimited strings.

reporterId: required[string] – Id that represents a reporter in your scope.
lx: required[string] – A valid Lx expression to be evaluated.
effectiveDate: required[date] – Date to evaluate the provided lx argument on.

Developer Formulas (LX.X.DEVELOPER.*)

There are private formulas for developers to assist customers in troubleshooting or verifying add-in configuration.